Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Salam to All GEMS Groups & All @ Harvards Suasana Resorts

Salam to all my dearest friends of GEMS Harvards Suasana Resorts, Sg Petani, Kedah...

First, Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha to all...

Thanks to all for the very kind and warmheated farewell to all us the trainers..

Thanks to Group 2 and Group 7 for the very good class participation that made the class lively...

Personally, I had enjoyed every moment I was there teaching and sharing my knowledges and experiences..

I wish all the very best of lucks and hope all will be very successful in the placement and later in the working life...

Take care..
Thanks and regards... KAY

1 comment:

  1. Khuzaimah...
    It was my pleasure doing that... I had enjoyed every bit of it...
    Best of lucks to all...
    Take care..
