In June, our NGO association, Alumni Asrama Felda Malaysia (AAFM) had done community outreach program at Bandar Tenggara, Johor. We had done similar program late last year (2008) in Bandar Pusat Jengka, Pahang followed by another follow-up program in early May 2009 at UiTM Jengka.
It was a three days two nights (3D2N) program providing motivational talks and sessions for some 400 students consists of candidates for SPM, PMR and UPSR (for UPSR, it was done in a seperate session - only one day program).
We had also provided additional community service such as motivational talks for parents, discussion with heads of community/villages (listening to social & educational problems faced by the community), giving free medical checkups as well as distributing some free medicines to people who need it (this service is provided by JSH).
The SPM and PMR students stayed overnight at the School Hostels for 2 nights during the program. Several motivational sessions inclusive of religous sessions (qiamullai, kuliah subuh) were carried at Masjid while the other sessions were carried out at School Hall.
For other related sessions for parents and other people in the community , the sessions were acrried at several public places - such as community hall, school meeting room, etc.
The event was offically closed on Sunday (3rd / last Day) by Tan Sri Dr. Mohd Yusof Noor, the Chairman of Felda. 
The program was very successful and get many appreciations by parents, head of community / villages, and ADUN kawasan Bandar Tenggara.
Tan Sri Dr. Mohd Yusof Noor in his speech had expressed huge congratulations and great appreciations to AAFM for excellent work on carrying out this program.
He would like to see this type of voluntary program and community service to continue and suggested that AAFM do the same next year for Terengganu community.