Sunday, 19 July 2009

Community Service at Johor

A request that I put some photos on this blog on Community Service done..

In June, our NGO association, Alumni Asrama Felda Malaysia (AAFM) had done community outreach program at Bandar Tenggara, Johor. We had done similar program late last year (2008) in Bandar Pusat Jengka, Pahang followed by another follow-up program in early May 2009 at UiTM Jengka.

It was a three days two nights (3D2N) program providing motivational talks and sessions for some 400 students consists of candidates for SPM, PMR and UPSR (for UPSR, it was done in a seperate session - only one day program).
We had also provided additional community service such as motivational talks for parents, discussion with heads of community/villages (listening to social & educational problems faced by the community), giving free medical checkups as well as distributing some free medicines to people who need it (this service is provided by JSH).
The SPM and PMR students stayed overnight at the School Hostels for 2 nights during the program. Several motivational sessions inclusive of religous sessions (qiamullai, kuliah subuh) were carried at Masjid while the other sessions were carried out at School Hall.

For other related sessions for parents and other people in the community , the sessions were acrried at several public places - such as community hall, school meeting room, etc.

We had many volunteers of professionals and non-profesionals from all over Malaysia providing helps for management of the program, giving motivational talks, handling breakout sessions, etc. to make sure the program run smoothly, safely, and successfully.

The event was offically closed on Sunday (3rd / last Day) by Tan Sri Dr. Mohd Yusof Noor, the Chairman of Felda.
The program was very successful and get many appreciations by parents, head of community / villages, and ADUN kawasan Bandar Tenggara.
Tan Sri Dr. Mohd Yusof Noor in his speech had expressed huge congratulations and great appreciations to AAFM for excellent work on carrying out this program.
He would like to see this type of voluntary program and community service to continue and suggested that AAFM do the same next year for Terengganu community.

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Importance of Scientific English

1) Decision made on the PPMSI, and the decision is Final, we have to accept it as the decision will not be reversed, irregardless whatever we had earlier thought and believed what should be done.

2) Personally, I did not agree that we go back to Bahasa and think we should stay in using English, but when the decision made to reverse to Bahasa, it may have good & strong justififcation to do it..

3) Being one of Malaysians who strongly believe that We Malaysians are actually world class capable and can compete with people from other developed countries in many areas, it is critical that We know well not just English Speaking Language itself but also other special English terms used related to science, technology, economics, mathematics, etc. It is critical so that we understand well and therefore be able to speak same scientific and technological language with them..

4) With the elimination of PPMSI, I think we are actually going backward. So all related people - students and others - should double or even triple up their efforts to learn and re-learn and master, again, not just English Speaking Language, but also scientific & technological & mathematics & Economics English Language, as well.

5) We, Malaysians, need to do something else, extra efforts to catch up in the above, and we need to do it now. Or else we will be lagging, and later, if nothing being done, we will not achieve our vision to become developed nation.

6) Worse, we will stay long as developing or even lagging to poor country, eventhough we have highly capable and world class citizens in this country.

Sunday, 12 July 2009

Friendship Day

1) Wish all Happy Friendship Day...

2) A true friend is someone who will be there for you, standing & sitting beside you, comforting you, during the time you really hope for a support from him/her, eventhough he/she should have been somewhere else which is more enjoyable and fun for himself/herself..

3) Be honest in friendship, Be a best friend to someone and in return You will get a best friend for you yourself... Someone who will always provide you good support everytime you need it..

4) It is not easy to get one but it is not impossible, especially if you yourself become one of those and really honest in it..

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Forget the Political Differences - Have Round the Table Discussion - Do It for the Benefits and Pride of Malaysia

1) Reading and listening to many news and newspapers and many talks about PAS and UMNO debate, I am really tempted to provide my views / comments...

2) My views/comments are looked at from and for the benefits of Islam, Malays and our lovely Country Malaysia...

3) I see an open and live debate would provide negative impact which will result in bigger splits among malays and islamic people. This is not a good practice in our culture... People especially who are not honest would possibly use the platform to say many and more bad things about the other, point fingures at the other, blame the other party of doing wrong things and cause the "bad situation" in Malaysia, etc... etc.. and many more negative things -- They would do these for their own self benefits, to become more famous and get more people's supports for them, etc...

4) And.. There will then be more pointing fingures and blaming among both parties and continue even after the debate and into greater community of different supporters --- causing greater splits among Malays..

5) The best approach is for two parties to sit down in a close round-the-table discussion (maybe with limited coverage) and have an open honest discussion... A set agenda should be lined out to discuss current and big issues which the Malays, Islam and Country is facing --- probably few main issues --- and discuss the issues openly.. Each side / party should openly and honestly provide their thoughts and views and comments and suggestions and recommendations on what should be done to tackle each of the issue with justifications and reasons why they think it should be done in certain way..

6) Each party should be open to listen and to comment on the thoughts, views and suggestions, and provide their thoughts and justifications

7) After listening to all thoughts and views, a positive and proactive approach should be agreed on what/when/how to do to tackle and solve those issues --- after all justifications/reasons given/listened/discussed and openly and honestly agreed among all parties..

8) These discussion and agreed approaches on tackling and resolving the issues are possibly being taken within different political parties and are done for benefits of Malays, Islam and the Country, and not necessary be within the same united Parties..

9) The objectives must be set right in the beginning with both parties put a side the potical differences --- is done for the benefits of Islam, Malays and the Country NOT for the ownself...

10) A good independent mediator should chair the discussion.

11) I request all parties to work for the best of the Country, badly needed especially during this difficult time, forgetting political differences, setting aside the ownself benefit / ownself pride --- do it for the PRIDE of our own MALAYSIA